Ended up finishing my bookshelf for the room.
I used pine wood 1x6x8 (softest wood but bends easily) I used wood screw nails and wire nails (1inch) for that extra support in conjunction with the glue. I have a saw, a drill machine and a drenel as my power tools. I sanded of any mistakes i made along the way. I should have sanded the whole thing more before staining it as well. I noticed a lot of ripples from the factory saw cut on the wood after staining. I got light but really durable brackets that I put hidden inside the brackets. Placed them spaced out according to where the studs would be on the wall. Not a fun task but i got 5 out of 7 on the studs. The rest i used ‘NoMoreNails’. The main branch was my main focus and wanted to make sure that its sturdy. I put support beams along the way as well so the wood doesn’t bend. The rest is all in my images, the whole blueprint is up for grabs if you want. I planned that according to the wall space i had available.